Mateusz Rej

Hi there! I am an experienced urban designer and project lead, holding a background in landscape architecture and design thinking. Following substantial engagements with Berlin-based practices, I founded MRUD&S in August 2023. Concurrently, I teach at BHT, sharing insights on "Planning Strategies for Open Spaces". My professional focus centers around comprehensive problem-solving, fostering collaboration among stakeholders, facilitating co-creation, and crafting compelling concepts and strategies within interdisciplinary teams.

Let’s work together!

# urban design and landscape architecture 
# public space design guidelines
# strategic development plans
# scenario planning and speculative design 
# personas and storytelling 
# participation processes and workshop facilitation

Mateusz Rej
Urban Design & Strategy
Skalitzer Straße 32
10999 Berlin

(+49) 15259507711